PWG: The Reason For The Season
1. Chris Bosh, Disco Machine, Charles Mercury, & Top Gun Talwar vs. Aerial Xpress (Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky) & Los Rojos Locos (Rojo 1 & 2) 2. Brad Bradley vs. Puma 3. Rocky Romero vs. AJ Styles Number One Contender 3-Way Elimination Match 4. Babi Slymm vs. "Classic" Colt Cabana vs. Excalibur 5. Scott Lost vs. Joey Ryan 6. Super Dragon vs. CM Punk 7. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels & "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Reyes & Samoa Joe Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Steel Cage Loser Leaves Town Match 8. "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce (c) vs. "The Future" Frankie Kazarian
1. Chris Bosh, Disco Machine, Charles Mercury, & Top Gun Talwar vs. Aerial Xpress (Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky) & Los Rojos Locos (Rojo 1 & 2) 2. Brad Bradley vs. Puma 3. Rocky Romero vs. AJ Styles Number One Contender 3-Way Elimination Match 4. Babi Slymm vs. "Classic" Colt Cabana vs. Excalibur 5. Scott Lost vs. Joey Ryan 6. Super Dragon vs. CM Punk 7. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels & "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Reyes & Samoa Joe Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Steel Cage Loser Leaves Town Match 8. "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce (c) vs. "The Future" Frankie Kazarian
Adam Pearce
Frank Gerdelman
Daniel Covell
Bryan Danielson
Rick Diaz
Ricky Reyes
Nuufolau Joel Seanoa
Phil Brooks
CM Punk
Daniel Lyon
Super Dragon
Scott Epperson
Scott Lost
Joseph Ryan Meehan
Marc Letzmann
Scott Colton
Colt Cabana
Tony Drake
Babi Slymm
Allen Jones
John R. Rivera
Rocky Romero
Theodore James Perkins
Bradley Thomas
Brad Bradley
Christopher Hancock
Chris Bosh
Michael Mondragon
Disco Machine
Charles Mercury
Jon Talwar
Top Gun Talwar
Rick Clements
Schuyler Andrews
Scorpio Sky
Shane Ballard
Rojo 1
Shannon Ballard
Rojo 2