A7-058 is a short Science Fiction film produced, written, and shot by Brian Tooker. Directed by Joshua DuMond, this experimental film explores the mystery of the Sci-Fi genre. Alice, played by Jing Song (aka Aria Song), finds herself to be the only one awake on a mission to save what's left of humanity. Mixing computer generated elements with live action footage, the film is very visually driven. A7-058 has received a number of awards at various film festivals.
A7-058 is a short Science Fiction film produced, written, and shot by Brian Tooker. Directed by Joshua DuMond, this experimental film explores the mystery of the Sci-Fi genre. Alice, played by Jing Song (aka Aria Song), finds herself to be the only one awake on a mission to save what's left of humanity. Mixing computer generated elements with live action footage, the film is very visually driven. A7-058 has received a number of awards at various film festivals.
Halloween: Resurrection
5.7Juror #2
6.9The Flight of the Phoenix
7.8I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
7.1Design for Living
7.2El Dorado
7.3Köşeyi Dönen Adam
6.7Taxi 3
5.7The Navigator
7.1The Sadness
6.8Saturday Night
6.9Free Willy 3: The Rescue
6.1The Gauntlet
6.6Ninja Terminator
6.2The Basilisks
7.1Soylent Green