PWG: All Star Weekend IV - Night One
1. "Classic" Colt Cabana vs. Petey Williams 2. MDogg 20 vs. Ronin 3. Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) 4. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide 5. "The Man That Gravity Forgot" PAC vs. AJ Styles Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Title Match 6. B-Boy & Super Dragon (c) vs. Davey Richards & Roderick Strong 7. Rocky "Azúcar" Romero vs. Samoa Joe 8. Cape Fear (El Generico & Quicksilver), "The Future" Frankie Kazarian, & Human Tornado vs. The Dynasty ("Photogenic" Chris Bosh, "The Professional" Scott Lost, Joey Ryan, & Scorpio Sky)
1. "Classic" Colt Cabana vs. Petey Williams 2. MDogg 20 vs. Ronin 3. Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) 4. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide 5. "The Man That Gravity Forgot" PAC vs. AJ Styles Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Title Match 6. B-Boy & Super Dragon (c) vs. Davey Richards & Roderick Strong 7. Rocky "Azúcar" Romero vs. Samoa Joe 8. Cape Fear (El Generico & Quicksilver), "The Future" Frankie Kazarian, & Human Tornado vs. The Dynasty ("Photogenic" Chris Bosh, "The Professional" Scott Lost, Joey Ryan, & Scorpio Sky)
Rami Sebei
El Generico
Rick Clements
Frank Gerdelman
Craig Williams
Human Tornado
Christopher Hancock
Chris Bosh
Scott Epperson
Scott Lost
Joseph Ryan Meehan
Schuyler Andrews
Scorpio Sky
John R. Rivera
Rocky "Azúcar" Romero
Nuufolau Joel Seanoa
Benito Cuntapay
Daniel Lyon
Super Dragon
Wesley David Richards
Davey Richards
Christopher Lindsey
Roderick Strong
Benjamin Satterly
Allen Jones
Daniel Covell
Nelson Rodriguez Erazo
Colby Lopez
Tyler Black
Christopher Scoville
Jimmy Jacobs
Josh Harter
Chris Sabin
Patrick Martin
Alex Shelley
Matt Capiccioni
MDogg 20
Scott Colton
Colt Cabana
Peter Williams III