Digimon Savers: The Movie - Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!!
The film begins with around Agumon, Gaomon and Lalamon, whose partners have been placed in a magical slumber along with the rest of city's population, by a mysterious thorned vine that spread throughout the city. As the Digimon make their way through the silent city, they stumble upon a pack of Goblimon, led by an Ogremon, who are attacking a young girl. They scare off the goblins, and the girl, Rhythm, reveals that she is actually a Digimon, then explains that the thorns are the work of a Digimon named Argomon. The quartet sets out to confront the villain atop his skyscraper lair.
The film begins with around Agumon, Gaomon and Lalamon, whose partners have been placed in a magical slumber along with the rest of city's population, by a mysterious thorned vine that spread throughout the city. As the Digimon make their way through the silent city, they stumble upon a pack of Goblimon, led by an Ogremon, who are attacking a young girl. They scare off the goblins, and the girl, Rhythm, reveals that she is actually a Digimon, then explains that the thorns are the work of a Digimon named Argomon. The quartet sets out to confront the villain atop his skyscraper lair.
Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride
7.8Savage X Fenty Show Vol. 2
7.9The Silence of the Lambs
8.3Gone Baby Gone
7.3There's Still Tomorrow
8.1American Psycho
7.4Green Book
8.2There Will Be Blood
8.1American Beauty
8.0Seven Samurai
8.5The Shawshank Redemption
7.4Andrei Rublev
8.0The Thing
8.1Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
8.1Reservoir Dogs