One Thousand Trillion Yen Randsom
Based on the mystery novel by Yagi Keiichi, the former Deputy Prime Minister was investigated after leaving a national debt of 1,085 trillion yen, but charges were mysteriously dropped. Now, his granddaughter has been kidnapped. The ransom? Either 1,085 trillion yen- the same as Japan's national debt- or a formal apology and financial reconstruction plan from the former Deputy Prime Minister are to be prepared within the next seven days. Can the police save the young girl before the deadline?
Based on the mystery novel by Yagi Keiichi, the former Deputy Prime Minister was investigated after leaving a national debt of 1,085 trillion yen, but charges were mysteriously dropped. Now, his granddaughter has been kidnapped. The ransom? Either 1,085 trillion yen- the same as Japan's national debt- or a formal apology and financial reconstruction plan from the former Deputy Prime Minister are to be prepared within the next seven days. Can the police save the young girl before the deadline?
Shingo Katori
Miyu Honda
Mayu Shinoda
Riisa Naka
Atsuko Imamura
Tae Kimura
Yumi Shinoda
Yasuyuki Maekawa
Yuichi Shinoda
Ichirôta Miyakawa
Yuya Endo
Saori Hashimoto
Sho Takada
Teppei Otani
Atsuhiro Sakamoto
Norio Hayasaka
Kaoru Hirata
Haruka Nakagawa
Meikyo Yamada
Yoshikazu Kunitake
Hiromitsu Kitayama
Manabu Ishizaki
Kazuyuki Asano
Tetta Sugimoto