Looney Tunes Super Stars Daffy Duck: Frustrated Fowl
This must-have animation collection "Looney Tunes Super Stars: Daffy Duck: Frustrated Fowl" (2010) is filled with shorts that have been released on disc before and will delight any Looney Tunes fans. Episodes include "Tick Tock Tuckered," "Nasty Quacks," Chuck Jones's "Daffy Dilly" (1948), "Wise Quackers," "The Prize Pest," "Design for Leaving," "Stork Naked," "This is a Life?" (1955), "Dime to Retire," "Ducking the Devil," "People Are Bunny" (1959), "Person to Bunny" (1960), "Daffy's Inn Trouble," "The Iceman Ducketh" and "Suppressed Duck" (1965).
This must-have animation collection "Looney Tunes Super Stars: Daffy Duck: Frustrated Fowl" (2010) is filled with shorts that have been released on disc before and will delight any Looney Tunes fans. Episodes include "Tick Tock Tuckered," "Nasty Quacks," Chuck Jones's "Daffy Dilly" (1948), "Wise Quackers," "The Prize Pest," "Design for Leaving," "Stork Naked," "This is a Life?" (1955), "Dime to Retire," "Ducking the Devil," "People Are Bunny" (1959), "Person to Bunny" (1960), "Daffy's Inn Trouble," "The Iceman Ducketh" and "Suppressed Duck" (1965).
Looney Tunes Super Stars Foghorn Leghorn & Friends: Barnyard Bigmouth
10.0Six: Inside
8.5Mystery Woman: Game Time
6.6Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №1. Testament Emperor
7.3The Work Wife
6.9Via Carpatia
4.5Dash Berlin - Live at Ultra Music Festival Miami Mainstage 2015
6.1Hasta Pronto
7.0Father F***er
9.0Sindicato de telemirones
7.0Cruz de cemento
5.0Girl on the Moon
5.9No Tomorrow
8.5The Reading