Vijay Kumar Singh lives in a big apartment building with his parents. He and his three male friends are thrilled and intrigued by the arrival of a new family in their neighborhood, especially by a young and attractive Shoma Kapoor. To add to this, she also gets admitted in the same college as they, and all four males attempt to romance her in their own way - and each one believes that he has succeeded. Rumours abound, and Shoma's mom comes to know about them, resulting in Shoma having a open...
Vijay Kumar Singh lives in a big apartment building with his parents. He and his three male friends are thrilled and intrigued by the arrival of a new family in their neighborhood, especially by a young and attractive Shoma Kapoor. To add to this, she also gets admitted in the same college as they, and all four males attempt to romance her in their own way - and each one believes that he has succeeded. Rumours abound, and Shoma's mom comes to know about them, resulting in Shoma having a open...
1920: Evil Returns
5.9Return of the Jedi
7.9Knives Out
7.8The Return of the Living Dead
7.2Return of the Living Dead III
6.6The Cat Returns
7.1Jarhead: Law of Return
6.5High School Musical 2
6.5Porco Rosso
7.8Alice in Wonderland
7.2Léon: The Professional
8.3Marriage Story
7.7Uncut Gems
7.2The Shawshank Redemption
8.7Grave of the Fireflies
7.9Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
7.1My Neighbor Totoro