ROH: Conquest Tour - West Warwick
The Briscoes vs reDRagon vs The Motor City Machine Guns ACH vs Kamaitachi All Night Express vs The Young Bucks Delirious vs "Pro Wrestling's Last Real Man" Silas Young Local Underdog Championship Challenge ROH World ChampionJay Lethal w/ Taeler Hendrix vs Vinny Marseglia "Almighty" Christopher Daniels vs Lio Rush Joey "Diesel" Daddiego w/ Taeler Hendrix vs Donovan Dijak w/ Prince Nana Dalton Castle w/ The Boys vs Kongo
The Briscoes vs reDRagon vs The Motor City Machine Guns ACH vs Kamaitachi All Night Express vs The Young Bucks Delirious vs "Pro Wrestling's Last Real Man" Silas Young Local Underdog Championship Challenge ROH World ChampionJay Lethal w/ Taeler Hendrix vs Vinny Marseglia "Almighty" Christopher Daniels vs Lio Rush Joey "Diesel" Daddiego w/ Taeler Hendrix vs Donovan Dijak w/ Prince Nana Dalton Castle w/ The Boys vs Kongo
Patrick Martin
Alex Shelley
Josh Harter
Chris Sabin
Jamin Pugh
Jay Briscoe
Mark Pugh
Mark Briscoe
Robert Anthony Fish
Kyle Greenwood
Kyle O'Reilly
Albert Christian Hardie Jr.
Hiromu Takahashi
Caleb Dewall
Silas Young
William Hunter Johnston
Lindsey Kerecz
Veda Scott
Amanda León
Jamar Shipman
Jay Lethal
Vincent Marseglia
Lionel Gerard Green
Lio Rush
Quinn Ojinnaka
Daniel Covell
Frank Gerdelman
Christopher Dijak
Donovan Dijak
Joey Daddiego
Joey Daddiego
Brett Giehl
Dalton Castle