Light Up the Night
Light Up the Night is an analog science-fiction short film set in an Orwellian, futuristic 1980s. The story tells the tensions flaring between rebellious citizens and robotic law enforcement. We are introduced to two dissidents as they take aim at the city's looming, panoptic control tower, while local band The Protomen take the stage amidst the action, inciting unrest as they narrate the struggle.
Light Up the Night is an analog science-fiction short film set in an Orwellian, futuristic 1980s. The story tells the tensions flaring between rebellious citizens and robotic law enforcement. We are introduced to two dissidents as they take aim at the city's looming, panoptic control tower, while local band The Protomen take the stage amidst the action, inciting unrest as they narrate the struggle.
Saving General Yang
6.3Ricki and the Flash
5.8Tel chi el telùn
8.0The Reluctant Fundamentalist
6.6Where to Invade Next
7.2The Gang of Santa Clauses
6.0The Rich, the Pauper and the Butler
5.1The Social Network
7.0Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
5.9This Is Spinal Tap
7.4Midnight in Paris
7.5Mean Girls 2
5.2The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
6.5The Man Who Wasn't There
7.5The Hangover Part III