Young Hyacinth
Set in the 1950s, this prequel to Keeping Up Appearances looks at the life, relationships, and aspirations of 18-year-old Hyacinth. Long before she becomes Mrs. Bucket (pronounced Bouquet), young Hyacinth is already dreaming of matching china and a bedroom in pastel shades. If only her family were more like the upper-class Cooper-Smiths in whose home Hyacinth works as a maid.
Set in the 1950s, this prequel to Keeping Up Appearances looks at the life, relationships, and aspirations of 18-year-old Hyacinth. Long before she becomes Mrs. Bucket (pronounced Bouquet), young Hyacinth is already dreaming of matching china and a bedroom in pastel shades. If only her family were more like the upper-class Cooper-Smiths in whose home Hyacinth works as a maid.
6.1Brothers of the Wind
7.2The Science of D-Day
5.72001: A Space Odyssey
8.1The Grand Budapest Hotel
8.0The Dark Knight
8.5Don't Look Up
7.9The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
7.4E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
7.5Get Out
7.6The Cabin in the Woods
7.4Forrest Gump
8.5The Theory of Everything
7.8Loving Vincent
8.1Ex Machina
7.627 Dresses