Kusume Rumal
The story revolves around three boys: Amar, Arjun and Rakesh who fall for the same girl, Suniti. We are introduced to Amar who is a well natured and cultured boy, with whom Suniti naturally falls in love with. While everything seems right in their relationship, a poor village worker, Arjun, mistakes the good behavior of Suniti and her father with their affection for him, and starts fantasizing a romantic relationship with Suniti. Rakesh however, tries to bring Amar down by tricking Suniti into marrying him by force.
The story revolves around three boys: Amar, Arjun and Rakesh who fall for the same girl, Suniti. We are introduced to Amar who is a well natured and cultured boy, with whom Suniti naturally falls in love with. While everything seems right in their relationship, a poor village worker, Arjun, mistakes the good behavior of Suniti and her father with their affection for him, and starts fantasizing a romantic relationship with Suniti. Rakesh however, tries to bring Amar down by tricking Suniti into marrying him by force.
Mercenarios de la Muerte
5.0Unanswered Prayers
4.0The Inherited
10.0Christmas Wreaths and Ribbons
6.3Nights on the Road
7.7Prodigal Sun
8.0Un Caso Excepcional
9.4Diana Krall | Live at the Montreal Jazz Festival
6.4El Ganzo
4.7For the First Time
6.4Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror
7.3UFC 309: Jones vs. Miocic
7.0About Our Astronauts
7.6Ondřej Sekora – Práce všeho druhu
7.0The Classics of Frederic Back