Kamen Rider 4
Kamen Rider 4 is a web series which was released as an accompanying special to the film Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3. It introduced a new rider, Kamen Rider 4, who is the fourth Kamen Rider cyborg created by Shocker after Kamen Riders 1, 2, and 3. The plot goes around a time loop created by the Shocker that resets whenever someone dies, but whenever the loop resets Shocker itself somehow grows stronger and stronger. Thus, it is up to the Riders to decide whether to keep on fighting a useless battle... Or end the loops for good by sacrificing one of their own.
Kamen Rider 4 is a web series which was released as an accompanying special to the film Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3. It introduced a new rider, Kamen Rider 4, who is the fourth Kamen Rider cyborg created by Shocker after Kamen Riders 1, 2, and 3. The plot goes around a time loop created by the Shocker that resets whenever someone dies, but whenever the loop resets Shocker itself somehow grows stronger and stronger. Thus, it is up to the Riders to decide whether to keep on fighting a useless battle... Or end the loops for good by sacrificing one of their own.
Ryoma Takeuchi
Shinnosuke Tomari / Kamen Rider Drive
Mitsuru Matsuoka
Kamen Rider 4 (voice)
Kento Handa
Takumi Inui / Kamen Rider Faiz
Yuichi Nakamura
Yuto Sakurai / Kamen Rider Zeronos
Yutaka Kobayashi
Kaito Kumon / Kamen Rider Baron
Takashi Hagino
Takeshi Asakura / Kamen Rider Ouja
Yusuke Yamamoto
Tsurugi Kamishiro / Kamen Rider Sasword
Shinya Niiro
King / Kamen Rider Dark Kiva
Yu Inaba
Go Shijima / Kamen Rider Mach
Rio Uchida
Kiriko Shijima
Chris Peppler
Drive Driver (voice)
Mitsuru Karahashi
Naoya Kaido / Snake Orphnoch
Tomokazu Seki
Great Leader of Shocker (voice), Arimammoth (voice)
Ryokan Koyanagi
Hiruchameleon (voice)
Taira Imata
Cheetahkatatsumuri (voice)
Hochu Otsuka
Deneb (voice)
Kamen Rider Ghost RE:BIRTH - Kamen Rider Specter
6.8Rewind 3: The Final Chapter
5.8Piccadilly Zero Hour 12
6.9Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl
7.0There Are No Saints
5.2The Avenging Eagle
6.0Praise This
7.0Don't Blink
6.9Killer of Men
6.0Georgian Ancient Songs
5.3Rewind 2: 1996
3.4Coconut The Little Dragon: Into The Jungle
5.9HG's Shadow
4.6Oomuro-ke: Dear Sisters
6.3Esmeralda Comes by Night
5.2City of Mice