PROGRESS Chapter 37: A Sudden Sense Of Liberty
After the success of PROGRESS’ biggest show ever at the Brixton Academy, they return to the more humble setting of the Ritz in Manchester to begin a new phase of their existence. We’re now on the road to Orlando, PROGRESS’ next ‘big show’, but before then, new champions Mark Haskins, Rampage Brown and British Strong Style must be cemented, and several new faces must be debuted. This show feels like a fresh start for the promotion after some strong but fairly stagnant cards in the build-up to Brixton. Who will stand out now that there are more opportunities open at the top of the card?
After the success of PROGRESS’ biggest show ever at the Brixton Academy, they return to the more humble setting of the Ritz in Manchester to begin a new phase of their existence. We’re now on the road to Orlando, PROGRESS’ next ‘big show’, but before then, new champions Mark Haskins, Rampage Brown and British Strong Style must be cemented, and several new faces must be debuted. This show feels like a fresh start for the promotion after some strong but fairly stagnant cards in the build-up to Brixton. Who will stand out now that there are more opportunities open at the top of the card?
Jim Smallman
Pip Cartner
Gareth Snelling
Kayleigh Rae
Kay Lee Ray
Kimberly Ann Frankele
Kimber Lee
James Dowell
Fabian Aichner
Martin Scurll
Josseph Ćhoffeh
Joe Coffey
Peter England
Benjamin Webb
Trent Seven
Tasman Bartlett-Masina
Travis Bligh
Travis Banks
Dahlia Black
Eddie Dennis
Mark Andrews
David Minton
Dave Mastiff
Simon Musk
El Ligero
Oliver Biney
Rampage Brown
Michael John Gilbert
Mikey Whiplash
Mark Haskins
Jack Rea