The Super Super Adventure

19751h 15min

Family adventure/comedy from Argentina.

Los Superagentes(12)

The great adventure (1974)

Amid chases, fights and shootings, three undercover agents proposed derail a band of gangsters and save a famous scientist who had been kidnapped.

The Super Super Adventure (1975)


Family adventure/comedy from Argentina.

La aventura explosiva (1977)

Super agents must protect a scientist inventor of a new type of synthetic fuel that works if a certain speed is not exceeded.

Los superagentes biónicos (1977)


Los superagentes y el tesoro maldito (1978)

When the bionic superagents, after five years without vacations, go to Mar del Plata, they must fight against an international gang that intends to seize a treasure.

Los superagentes no se rompen (1979)

The superagents face a group that wants to seize a miniature bomb, financed by an African dictator, who sends them to Misiones.

La aventura de los paraguas asesinos (1979)

The super agents in this mission must act in the middle of the fight of two enemy gangs to capture a scientist and produce changes in the weather.

Los superagentes contra todos (1980)

The Aquarius secret service super agents face a mob boss.

Los superagentes y la gran aventura del oro (1980)

The daughter of an archaeologist believes she has found an Inca treasure and is protected by the superagents.

Superagentes y titanes (1983)


A major employer coming into the country to produce a film with the famous Titans fighters "Catch". The bold super agents "Mojarrita" and "Dolphin" custody van to the airport, and is made ​​available to him, announcing the hiring of the Mummy for his film. But a strange rival businessman named "The Mask" gives the order to kidnap the Mummy. The Super Agents and Troup Titans started the persecution and dangerous actions to try to stop the criminals. rituals.

Los superagentes contra los fantasmas (1986)

Los Superagentes, la nueva generación (2008)
