Krebsz, the God
The protagonist of this farce is the enthusiastic, bald, spectacled Krebsz, an employee at the Prime and Sample Institute. He alerts the whole village to organise a beauty contest in the weed-field of Balatonszutykos. Hoping to win the grand prize, the leading role in a two-hour colour-film, the girls make all efforts and use all their tricks.
The protagonist of this farce is the enthusiastic, bald, spectacled Krebsz, an employee at the Prime and Sample Institute. He alerts the whole village to organise a beauty contest in the weed-field of Balatonszutykos. Hoping to win the grand prize, the leading role in a two-hour colour-film, the girls make all efforts and use all their tricks.
Ferenc Kállai
Krebsz Antal
Dezső Garas
István Iglódi
Éva Tímár
A professzorné
Emese Balogh
A modell
Ila Schütz
Bota Ildikó
Zsuzsa Pálos
Zsuzsa Mányai
Mikulik Gizi
Gabi Jobba
Ádám Szirtes
Gábor Koncz
Putz, tanácselnök
Zoltán Gera
Dr. Mikulik
János Körmendi
Ferenc Némethy
A központ munkatársa
László Inke