The Wilding
Set in suburban North Carolina, “The Wilding” follows the fractured Hayes family as they attempt to rebuild their lives amidst sinister, supernatural forces. Looking to leave their troubled past behind, George and Margaret try to help their daughter Kayla, a 17-year-old haunted since childhood by strange visions of the dead. Seeking answers for their daughter’s recurring hallucinations, they begin to suspect that she may be a Wilding... possessing untold supernatural abilities.
Set in suburban North Carolina, “The Wilding” follows the fractured Hayes family as they attempt to rebuild their lives amidst sinister, supernatural forces. Looking to leave their troubled past behind, George and Margaret try to help their daughter Kayla, a 17-year-old haunted since childhood by strange visions of the dead. Seeking answers for their daughter’s recurring hallucinations, they begin to suspect that she may be a Wilding... possessing untold supernatural abilities.
Double Mommy
7.7Bohemian Rhapsody
8.0Gone Girl
7.9The Shawshank Redemption
8.7Forrest Gump
8.5Captain America: Civil War
7.4The Lighthouse
7.5Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
7.3Your Name.
7.9Everything Everywhere All at Once
7.8A Quiet Place: Day One
6.8To the Bone
7.2The Substance
7.1Bird Box
6.8The Shape of Water
7.8Venom: Let There Be Carnage