A Life Apart: Anxieties in a Trawling Community
Docmentary about deep sea fishing community in North West England. This place was run very much as if it was in Victorian England. It was a one company town – all fishing – and if anybody stepped out of line they were chopped, they were sacked. As a result the working conditions, the money etc. were appalling and nobody dare say anything because if they spoke out: no job; and they weren’t given any explanation.
Docmentary about deep sea fishing community in North West England. This place was run very much as if it was in Victorian England. It was a one company town – all fishing – and if anybody stepped out of line they were chopped, they were sacked. As a result the working conditions, the money etc. were appalling and nobody dare say anything because if they spoke out: no job; and they weren’t given any explanation.
6.0The Big Lebowski
7.8Eden of the East Movie II: Paradise Lost
7.0Train of Life
7.4The Trial
7.4Johnny Got His Gun
7.5The Tribes of Palos Verdes
6.3Lola's Secret
7.37 Virgins
6.2The Diamond Arm
4.5The Sons of Katie Elder
7.0Red Rackham's Treasure
7.5Dave Chappelle: The Bird Revelation
7.4Metro Manila