Blade Runner: Black Out 2022
This animated short revolves around the events causing an electrical systems failure on the west coast of the US. According to Blade Runner 2049’s official timeline, this failure leads to cities shutting down, financial and trade markets being thrown into chaos, and food supplies dwindling. There’s no proof as to what caused the blackouts, but Replicants — the bio-engineered robots featured in the original Blade Runner, are blamed.
This animated short revolves around the events causing an electrical systems failure on the west coast of the US. According to Blade Runner 2049’s official timeline, this failure leads to cities shutting down, financial and trade markets being thrown into chaos, and food supplies dwindling. There’s no proof as to what caused the blackouts, but Replicants — the bio-engineered robots featured in the original Blade Runner, are blamed.
Jovan Jackson
Iggy Cygnus (voice)
Luci Christian
Trixie (voice)
Edward James Olmos
Gaff (voice)
David Anthony Matranga
Additional Voices (voice)
Joel McCrary
Additional Voices (voice)
Bryson Baugus
Ren (voice)
Jay Hickman
Additional Voices (voice)
Kenichirou Matsuda
Iggy Cygnus (voice)
Ichiko Aoba
Trixie (voice)
Makoto Furukawa
Ren (voice)
2048: Nowhere to Run
6.82036: Nexus Dawn
7.5Lost Transmissions
5.3Tome of the Unknown
7.1Eddie's Life Coach
6.3White torture
7.0Traffic Jam
6.8Cut and Run
5.6Devilman - Volume 1: The Birth
6.6Gurren Lagann the Movie: The Lights in the Sky Are Stars
7.8Yes, God, Yes
7.0Battle Angel
6.8Ismael's Ghosts
5.6Bomb Scared
5.4Racing Extinction
7.8Ain't Them Bodies Saints
6.1It's Such a Beautiful Day
7.9Midnight Runners