"Brush" is the story of a young man named John Pennick (Black Deniro) who grows up in a tough neighborhood of violence, corruption, and drug dealing. Throughout his childhood he is very fascinated with art. As he grows older, he tries to escape the world he came from and find a better way of life by chasing his dream of becoming a successful artist. Throughout this transition, he struggles with peer pressure from friends and family members that are still in the street life. He also gets caught up in a drug war that was started by himself. This is an action packed drama, so let's see if he can make it out!
"Brush" is the story of a young man named John Pennick (Black Deniro) who grows up in a tough neighborhood of violence, corruption, and drug dealing. Throughout his childhood he is very fascinated with art. As he grows older, he tries to escape the world he came from and find a better way of life by chasing his dream of becoming a successful artist. Throughout this transition, he struggles with peer pressure from friends and family members that are still in the street life. He also gets caught up in a drug war that was started by himself. This is an action packed drama, so let's see if he can make it out!
Black Deniro
John Pennick
Philadelphia Freeway
Young Chris
Young Chris
Neef Buck
Darnell Kittrell
Squally Guns
Charvez Grant
John Span
Gina Collazo
Cody's Girl
Tiffany Davenport
Black's Girl 1
Taeisha Blocker
Black's Girl 2
Neef Buck's Driver
Terell Richardson
Ashley 'Model Ace' Deacons
Spade O
Spade O
Boogie Digits
Cassidy's Partner
Rene Melendez
Brian Coleman
Raelia Lewis
Brian's Secretary
Anthony Christmas Jr.
Young Black Deniro
Giani V.
Young Ace
Javon Wilson
Young Squally
Rena Christmas
Young Black Deniro's Grandmother
Shardae Randolph
Young Black Deniro's Sister
Anthony Christmas Sr.
Young Black Deniro's Father
Asha Marchaman
Young Black Deniro's Mother
Patryk Depa
Pizzeria Worker
Danny Live
Philly Hip Hop Cop
Police Officer
Jameel Black Gold
Store Cashier
Rasiah Fletcher
Club Bartender
Qeiyona Ne'cole
Club Bartender
Larry Tan
Club Extra
Mikey Taylor
Club Extra
Aaliyah Holmes
Club Extra
Mari Smithers
Club Extra
N'Kenge Brown
Club Extra
Vince Black
Rue's Goon
"Why so Slim" Neal
Rue's Goon
Kiko Presley
Squally's Goon
James T.
Squally's Goon
Sheldon 'Shell' Walker
Rell's Goon
Elijah 'Speakerbox' Mauldin
Rell's Goon