Article 18
A feature-length documentary whose title refers to Article 18 of the Polish constitution: it defines marriage in heteronormative terms, as a union of a man and woman placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland. In the public discourse, the aforementioned article is interpreted as the basic obstacle for the legal premises that could establish partnerships and same-sex marriages in Poland. The creators of the movie have made the first Polish documentary showing the moral, cultural, and legal reasons why same-sex marriages have still not been legalized. The movie presents a polyphonic debate on the subject through showing interviews conducted by the makers of the film with gay and lesbian couples, people of science and culture, doctors, sexologists, lawyers, who present their arguments for introducing necessary legislative changes which would contribute to the improvement of LGBT experiences in various areas of social life.
A feature-length documentary whose title refers to Article 18 of the Polish constitution: it defines marriage in heteronormative terms, as a union of a man and woman placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland. In the public discourse, the aforementioned article is interpreted as the basic obstacle for the legal premises that could establish partnerships and same-sex marriages in Poland. The creators of the movie have made the first Polish documentary showing the moral, cultural, and legal reasons why same-sex marriages have still not been legalized. The movie presents a polyphonic debate on the subject through showing interviews conducted by the makers of the film with gay and lesbian couples, people of science and culture, doctors, sexologists, lawyers, who present their arguments for introducing necessary legislative changes which would contribute to the improvement of LGBT experiences in various areas of social life.