AMV Hell was an Anime Music Video that was created in 2004 which was made up of a collection of incomplete comedy AMVs. It became fairly popular, and eventually spawned an entire series of multi-editor projects, bringing together work from hundreds of AMV creators. A later spin-off called AMV Minis continued the fun. AMV Hell serves as a time capsule of anime fandom, pop culture, and internet memes.
The video that started it all. If you've seen it, you don't need a description. If you haven't seen it, then watch it, NOW. This video was sent to 3 conventions in 2004: Fanime, Animazement, and Otakon. At Fanime, it took the awards for "Viewers Best Comedy" and "Viewers Best of Show". At Animazement it took "Fan Favorite". At Otakon, it was awarded both "Best Humorous/Satirical" and "Best In Show". Finally, the video also received 2 awards in the 2005 Viewers Choice Awards, in the categories "Best Comedy Video" and "Most Original Video."
This video was created alongside the original AMV Hell, and both of them were released on the same day. The reason for AMV Hell 2's existence is because we had some rather "risquΓ©" ideas, and we didn't want to pollute AMV Hell with them. In order to keep AMV Hell "family friendly" and able to be shown at conventions, we opted to move the more controversial stuff into a separate video. We also tossed some of the other videos that didn't make it into AMV Hell in here. Kids shouldn't watch this. It's not pornographic or anything, but it has some adult language and nudity.
An enormously creative and witty comedic film created by the combination of seemingly random and out of place animation clips with accompanying audio sound bites, to create a feature length gag reel that is witty, hilarious, and often downright irreverent.
A repository for the more adult videos, with no rules regarding content, and nothing censored. In the words of its creator: "That was a mistake."
This is a contest-based spin off of AMV Hell in which contestants were challenged to see who could make the funniest video to a specified song. This compilation contains all of the winning videos, and a number of other notable entries. Contains 55 videos out of the more than 330 entries that we received. This video contains some adult language and suggestive imagery.
AMV Hell rises from the ashes for one final blowout! We thought that AMV Hell 3 couldn't be topped, but we were dead wrong. Well over 1,000 videos were submitted for consideration into this project. We compiled together the best of the best in order to create what will be remembered as the best AMV Project in the history of ever.
The successor to AMV Hell 0, this pile of filth shall be feared by all! This video marks the directorial debut of AMV Hell co-creator SSGWNBTD. If this video offends your sensibilities (and it will!), then he's the one to blame! This is absolutely not for children!
SSGWNBTD takes over in order to bring new life to AMV Hell. Zarxarx (original AMV Hell director) asked him to write a description of the project, which follows: "It's a video."
The 6th collection of anime music video clips made by fans.