Daddy Long Legs
Judy Aalders grows up in an orphanage. Albert Woudenberg happens to be present when Judy confronts the trustees of the orphanage and is expelled. He decides to send her to university and Judy, who has only ever seen his shadowy long legs, refers to him as 'Daddy-Long-Legs' from that day. Not knowing he is in fact her benefactor, Judy's relationship with Albert gradually turns into love.
Judy Aalders grows up in an orphanage. Albert Woudenberg happens to be present when Judy confronts the trustees of the orphanage and is expelled. He decides to send her to university and Judy, who has only ever seen his shadowy long legs, refers to him as 'Daddy-Long-Legs' from that day. Not knowing he is in fact her benefactor, Judy's relationship with Albert gradually turns into love.
Lily Bouwmeester
Judy Aalders
Paul Storm
Albert Woudenberg / Vadertje Langbeen
Emma Morel
Mevrouw van Dedum
Heleen Pimentel
Doris van Woudenberg
Jan Retèl
Frits Donkers
Sara Heyblom
Mevrouw van Woudenberg
Gusta Chrispijn-Mulder
Mevrouw Lippens
Lies de Wind
Ina Donkers
Lau Ezerman
Aaf Bouber
Moeder Bartel
Herman Bouber
Joke Bosch
Constant van Kerckhoven Jr.
Péronne Hosang
Bob de Lange
Piet te Nuyl Sr.
Carla Lipp
Jackie de Jong
Paul Steenbergen