Algeria, The Two Soldiers
"Algeria, The Two Soldiers" tells the true story of two young French soldiers during the Algerian War, who were driven in two completely opposite directions by the same keen sense of honor: Noël Favrelière deserted to free a young Algerian Muslim prisoner who was going to be executed, and René Técourt, to continue the fight for French Algeria alongside the OAS ultras. Two emblematic examples, which describe in a direct, carnal way, what happened there.
"Algeria, The Two Soldiers" tells the true story of two young French soldiers during the Algerian War, who were driven in two completely opposite directions by the same keen sense of honor: Noël Favrelière deserted to free a young Algerian Muslim prisoner who was going to be executed, and René Técourt, to continue the fight for French Algeria alongside the OAS ultras. Two emblematic examples, which describe in a direct, carnal way, what happened there.
Mantra Warrior: The Legend of The Eight Moons
7.5Old Man Junior
7.4Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
7.5Sometimes I Think About Dying
7.0A Quiet Place: Day One
6.8Rebel Ridge
7.0The Blue Caftan
7.3Operation Mincemeat
6.5Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In
8.3Alienoid: Return to the Future
6.6A Prayer Before Dawn
6.7Red One
6.2Mujib: The Making of a Nation
6.5Friends Jokes
7.4Untamed Royals