A confrontational and friendly judge gets in trouble when his wife is trying to arouse his jealousy of her long-term relationship with their mutual friend Chief Klausen. Superintendent and is still convinced that he strives against his life. At the same time the judge's chess friend Lise not stand that he was not hitting on her. All intricacies rubs judge with a serious time hay fever
A confrontational and friendly judge gets in trouble when his wife is trying to arouse his jealousy of her long-term relationship with their mutual friend Chief Klausen. Superintendent and is still convinced that he strives against his life. At the same time the judge's chess friend Lise not stand that he was not hitting on her. All intricacies rubs judge with a serious time hay fever
Frits Helmuth
Lisbet Dahl
Lise K.
Kirsten Lehfeldt
Axel Strøbye
Thomas Mørk
Peter Schrøder
Torben Jensen
Claus Ryskjær
Peter Belli
Britta Lillesøe
Peter Mygind
Søren Hauch-Fausbøll
Søren Østergaard
Ebbe Rode
John Hahn-Petersen
Inger Hovman
Niels Skousen
Jacob Nienstædt
Peter Gren Larsen
Claus Bigum
Niels Olsen
Jacob Morild
Hans Henrik Voetmann
Ken Vedsegaard
Steen Svare
Finn Henriksen
Linda Hindberg
Torben Thune
Søren Lenander
Sofie Gråbøl