Here Lies
20131h 42min
HERE LIES is a film about filmmaking and the struggles involved in the creative process: artistic, technical, financial and personal.
HERE LIES is a film about filmmaking and the struggles involved in the creative process: artistic, technical, financial and personal.
Daniel O'Meara
Ernst Hellmann
Tallulah Harlech
Maria Hadley
Sara Anastasia
Rachel de la Bier
Katy Barker
Sara Brajovic
Rachel De La Bier
Dani Harrison
Jessica Wilton
Fawn James
Yollander Borrows
Florence Keith-Roach
Claire Dunbar
Iraina Mancini
Gioya Lafitte
Claudia Mason
Charlotte Russell
Christian McKay
Tristan Holy-Route
Maria Papas
Maria de Silva
Bree Power
Anna Bourneville
Laura Pradelska
Theresa Manning-Bolt
Lyne Renee
Petra Kolaski
Fiona Scarry