Biography and apology of the famous pilot, nicknamed by some the Archangel, who organized the airmail network of South America, flew the first over the Andes Cordillera, maintained the mystique of the South Atlantic, militated in the Crosses of Fire and perished at the controls of "La Croix du Sud" during its twenty-fourth crossing.
Biography and apology of the famous pilot, nicknamed by some the Archangel, who organized the airmail network of South America, flew the first over the Andes Cordillera, maintained the mystique of the South Atlantic, militated in the Crosses of Fire and perished at the controls of "La Croix du Sud" during its twenty-fourth crossing.
Robert Hugues-Lambert
Jean Mermoz
Jean Marchat
The intellectual
Lucien Nat
Julien Pranville
Camille Bert
Henri Vilbert
Fort-Lamy mechanic
André Nicolle
Didier Daurat
Max Fontal
Paul Gobert
Héléna Manson
Madame Mermoz
René Blancard
Jean Boissemond
Jacques Carrique
Georges-François Frontec
Jean Gobet
Jean Latour
André Marnay
Martial Rèbe
Henri Vérité