The Christmas Reunion
The mid-west town of Cave City, Kentucky is preparing for its annual Christmas festival, when festivities are disrupted by a sudden snowstorm. While sitting out the blizzard, a group of former friends who have returned for a high school reunion discover what has happened in the intervening years.
The mid-west town of Cave City, Kentucky is preparing for its annual Christmas festival, when festivities are disrupted by a sudden snowstorm. While sitting out the blizzard, a group of former friends who have returned for a high school reunion discover what has happened in the intervening years.
Shanda Lee Munson
Christina Leidel
Heather Lynch
Sue Ann
Ava Culpepper
Young Jessy
Faith Dillon
Michael LaCour
Rick Bucy
Manon Guy
Teen Sue Ann
Diana Schmitt
Sarah Anthonie
Teen jessy
Carlie Sanders
Young Sue Ann
Emma Phipps
Young Babs
Peggy Goodman
Auntie Jean
Audrey Heckel
Young Sadie
Robin Frazier
Mrs. Brinks
Donny Richmond
Mayor Riggs
Heather Dennison
Young Auntie Jean
Chris Baker
Chrisann Timbie
Teen Babs
Donny Richmond Jr
Teen Michael
Leah White
Teen Sadie
Carl Richmond
Teen Michael
Donna Botts
Carol/Young Myra
Matthew Ulm
Young Stanley