Rajwade and Sons
The movie follows the story of cousins Anay, Shweta, Annaya and Virajas, the youngest generation of the rich and powerful Rajwade family. They each wish to follow they own dreams, but their grandfather, the head of the family, has other plans for them. Each will have to fight, argue, and question the foundations of the joint family if they want to live their dreams. Rajwade and Sons is the story of a happy joint family who want to find a way to stay together, in the ever-changing modern times.
The movie follows the story of cousins Anay, Shweta, Annaya and Virajas, the youngest generation of the rich and powerful Rajwade family. They each wish to follow they own dreams, but their grandfather, the head of the family, has other plans for them. Each will have to fight, argue, and question the foundations of the joint family if they want to live their dreams. Rajwade and Sons is the story of a happy joint family who want to find a way to stay together, in the ever-changing modern times.
7.8Old Man Junior
6.9Six Weeks to Twelve Years
5.8The Secret Six
5.8Drishyam 2
8.0Rewind 3: The Final Chapter
6.5Coconut The Little Dragon: Into The Jungle
5.9Mutation on Mars
5.6Ustad Hotel
7.8WWE Survivor Series 2003
8.1The 2019 Rose Parade with Cord & Tish
6.2Digimon Adventure tri. Part 4: Loss
6.9The Testament of Sister New Devil: Departures