More Haunted Houses: Tortured Souls & Restless Spirits
Over a century ago, a family of immigrants was burned to death - could the killer's descendants still be haunted bo the victims? Does the ghost of a conspirator in Lincoln's assassination still haunt the U.S. Army? Psychics, scholars, and eyewitnesses tell stories from beyond the grave.
Over a century ago, a family of immigrants was burned to death - could the killer's descendants still be haunted bo the victims? Does the ghost of a conspirator in Lincoln's assassination still haunt the U.S. Army? Psychics, scholars, and eyewitnesses tell stories from beyond the grave.
Ken Welsh
Gina Kash
Mary Saurratt
Paul Bethel
John Surratt
Amanda Swift
Anna Surratt
Robert Seeliger
John Wilkes Booth
Kira Callahan
Michael Boisvert
Mary-Lynn Culbert
Virginia DeWitt
Jane Addams
Mary Frances Moore
Irish Woman
Marjorie Crouse-Wingrove
Sarah Winchester
Warren Coughlin
Oliver Winchester
Paul Babiak
James Donnelly
Diane Lewis
Johanna Donnelly
Tim MacLean
Tom Donnelly
Daniella Tomaino
Geoffrey Link