The Best and the Brightest
Set in the world of New York City's elite private kindergartens, The Best and the Brightest centers on a fresh-faced young couple, Samantha and Jeff, who have only recently moved into town. The comedy centers on their dawning realization of the lengths they must go to in order to get their five-year-old daughter into school.
Set in the world of New York City's elite private kindergartens, The Best and the Brightest centers on a fresh-faced young couple, Samantha and Jeff, who have only recently moved into town. The comedy centers on their dawning realization of the lengths they must go to in order to get their five-year-old daughter into school.
Neil Patrick Harris
Bonnie Somerville
Peter Serafinowicz
Bridget Regan
Jenna Stern
Katharine Heilmann
John Hodgman
Kate Mulgrew
The Player's Wife
Nina Hodoruk
Upper East Side Mom
Michael Elian
Middle Eastern Bag Dealer
Suzanne Savoy
Chapin Headmistress
Cornelia Guest
Spence Mom
Brea Bee
Grace Church Mom
Kelly Coffield Park
Cindy Tanaka-Blumstein
Jos Laniado
Luis the Super
Amy Sedaris
Sue Lemon
Christopher McDonald
The Player
Nina Lisandrello