A gripping war drama that tells the story of Maria Petrova, in whose fate, as in a mirror, the fate of the country was reflected: the daughter of a priest, who renounced her father and the faith, she serves in the NKVD. On the eve of the battle for Moscow, Maria meets the clairvoyant eldress Matrona, and soon it is Maria who is tasked to deliver to Moscow the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, located behind the front line in the occupied territory...
A gripping war drama that tells the story of Maria Petrova, in whose fate, as in a mirror, the fate of the country was reflected: the daughter of a priest, who renounced her father and the faith, she serves in the NKVD. On the eve of the battle for Moscow, Maria meets the clairvoyant eldress Matrona, and soon it is Maria who is tasked to deliver to Moscow the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, located behind the front line in the occupied territory...
Mariya Lugovaya
Artur Smolyaninov
Ilya Malakov
Olga Lapshina
Sergey Puskepalis
Stanislav Selivanov
Sergej Kolesnikov
Valery Gorin
Vadim Medvedev
Viktor Venes
Yuriy Maslak
Alla Malkova
Ulyana Fomichyova
Maxim Flit
Dmitriy Mazurov
Tatyana Jahina
Maxim Krokhin
Lyubov Rudneva
Nikolay Kachura
Alisa Estrina
Galina Guseva
Yuriy Poteenko
Tatyana Medvedeva
Alexandr Nechaev
Dmitry Solomykin
Oleg Ots
Viktor Zolotonog
Alexandr Solomatin
Stanislav Kiselevsky
Aleksei Afanasyev
Denis Davydov
Amanda Knox
7.2American Sicario
5.9Castle Falls
6.1Jurassic World Dominion
6.7Don't Look Up
7.0Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
8.4Avatar: The Way of Water
7.6Dune: Part Two
8.2The Dark Knight
8.52001: A Space Odyssey
6.9The Grand Budapest Hotel
8.0La La Land
8.1Spider-Man: No Way Home
8.0Your Name.
8.5The Matrix