Howl from Beyond the Fog
Set during the Meiji reformation era in a small village in Kyushu, Japan. The story revolves around a young boy named Izana and a blind woman named Takiri, the two encounter the large monster Nebula who since ancient times was feared as the god of lake Amenosagiri. Theme of the film focuses on the Japanese concept of light and darkness, as told by puppetry and model miniaturization of the films’ world with practical special effects by Keizo Murase.
Set during the Meiji reformation era in a small village in Kyushu, Japan. The story revolves around a young boy named Izana and a blind woman named Takiri, the two encounter the large monster Nebula who since ancient times was feared as the god of lake Amenosagiri. Theme of the film focuses on the Japanese concept of light and darkness, as told by puppetry and model miniaturization of the films’ world with practical special effects by Keizo Murase.
Key of Keys
6.0The Break-Up Club
4.8Fidel: The Untold Story
6.7The Evil Marriage
10.0The Shining Will Come Crashing Down
10.0Lady, Stay Dead
5.7Not A British Movie
0.0The End of an Age
7.3Visanteta, estáte quieta
5.0The Main Celebration of Life
6.3She's a Punk Rocker UK
6.1The Tigress of Shaolin
5.3Journey Across the Mainland
5.5Captain Nulle
7.4WWE Battle Royal at the Albert Hall