Tawfik is in the midst of a financial crisis when his relative dies. As the sole heir, he sells her furniture to pay off his debts, only to discover that she left him a precious jewel inside a piece of furniture. As he tries to retrieve it, a gang goes after the jewel as well.
Tawfik is in the midst of a financial crisis when his relative dies. As the sole heir, he sells her furniture to pay off his debts, only to discover that she left him a precious jewel inside a piece of furniture. As he tries to retrieve it, a gang goes after the jewel as well.
Hassan Youssef
توفيق ابو العز
Naglaa Fathy
بثينة بستانى
نورا / نواره
Adel Adham
الرايق - زعيم العصابة
El Deif Ahmed
من العصابة
Samir Ghanem
من العصابة
George Sedhom
من العصابة
Adel Emam
الراقصة جمالات صاحبة توفيق
Said Abou Bakr
شاذلى باهلى - المحامى
Aleya Abdel Moneim
والدة بثينة
Aleya Fawzy
زوجة شاذلى باهلى
Mahmoud Rashad
أحمد لميع - الجواهري
Ibrahim Mrashley
من مجرمي بيروت
Joseph Nano
Youssef Sharaf Aldin
الرجل العجوز
Samiha Mohamed
إمرأة في الشارع
ElTokhy Tawfiq
Zizi Fared
إحدى حضور الحفل الغنائي
Sayed Abdallah
فتح الله - جواهرجى
Edmond Tuima
حسين فياض
صوت كليله
Abdel Moneim Saudi