Carnival Night 2, or 50 Years Later
The author's remake of the famous New Year's comedy is not an exact copy of the original. Festive mess in the same House of Culture, where they celebrated the New Year 50 years ago. Now the institution is named after Ogurtsov and is headed by Mr. Kabachkov. A young enthusiast Alyona Krylatova and a young man Denis Kolechkin work in the recreation center. Alyona, as she can, opposes the "arts" of the bureaucrat and opportunist Kabachkov, and Denis helps her.
The author's remake of the famous New Year's comedy is not an exact copy of the original. Festive mess in the same House of Culture, where they celebrated the New Year 50 years ago. Now the institution is named after Ogurtsov and is headed by Mr. Kabachkov. A young enthusiast Alyona Krylatova and a young man Denis Kolechkin work in the recreation center. Alyona, as she can, opposes the "arts" of the bureaucrat and opportunist Kabachkov, and Denis helps her.
Sergei Bezrukov
Денис Колечкин
Alyona Babenko
Алёна Крылатова
Sergey Makovetskiy
Кабачков Сергей Сергеевич (директор ДК)
Lyudmila Gurchenko
Людмила Гурченко
Mariya Aronova
секретарша Кабачкова Маша
Roman Madyanov
господин Колян («крыша» ДК)
Aleksey Batalov
Valentin Gaft
политтехнолог Борис Глебович
Vladimir Zeldin
Dmitriy Pevtsov
командир взвода ОМОН
Inna Churikova
Sergey Mazaev
Саня Таганско-Краснопресненский
Olga Ostroumova
режиссёр Главного канала
Valentina Ponomaryova
Eldar Ryazanov
Lyudmila Arinina
Ilya Reznik
Mikhail Derzhavin
Oleg Basilashvili
эпизод (ансамбль ложкарей)
Aleksandr Lazarev
эпизод (ансамбль ложкарей)
Igor Kvasha
эпизод (ансамбль ложкарей)
Georgiy Daneliya
Nikolay Drozdov
Aleksandra Pakhmutova
Maksim Klyanov
Anastasiya Lapina
Andrey Zheleznyakov
Andrey Muravyev