Chicherin - Russian revolutionary, Soviet diplomat, first People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR and the USSR. Member of the USSR Central Executive Committee of 1-5 convocations, member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party. Musicologist, author of a book about Mozart. In memory of Chicherin.
Chicherin - Russian revolutionary, Soviet diplomat, first People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR and the USSR. Member of the USSR Central Executive Committee of 1-5 convocations, member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party. Musicologist, author of a book about Mozart. In memory of Chicherin.
Leonid Filatov
Georgiy Vasilyevich Chicherin
Leonid Bronevoy
Maksim Maksimovich Litvinov
Oleg Golubitsky
Aleksandr Grave
Valeriy Zolotukhin
Sailor Pankin
Ernst Romanov
Aleksey Mikhaylovich Kazakov
Anatoliy Romashin
Sergey Ivanovich Skopin
Venczel Vera
Bridget Adams (as Vera Ventsel)
Algimantas Masiulis
Robert Bruce Lockart
Vladimir Samoylov
Lloyd Georg
Aleksei Alekseyev
Rolan Bykov
Abesalom Loria
Korol Italii (as Abessalom Loriya)
Arijs Geikins
Yuri Katin-Yartsev
Aleksei Mironov
Igor Yegorov Voronov
Vladislav Bush
Metdrotel (as V. Bush)
Olev Eskola
Livern - diplomat (as A. Eskola)
V. Frolov
Valdas Mykolas Jatautis
byvshiy posol Velikobritannii (as V. Yatautis)
Ervin Knausmyuller
(as E. Knausmyuller)
Valentin Kulik
Perevodchik (as V. Kulik)
Valery Lysenkov
Perevodchik (as V. Lysenkov)
Heino Mandri
(as H. Mandri)
Viktor Markin
(as V. Markin)
Yury Martynov
(as Yu. Martinov)
Nikolai Parfyonov
Fyodor Afanasyevich - povar (as N. Parfyonov)
Gleb Plaksin
(as G. Plaksin)
Nikolay Smorchkov
Grigoriy Ivanovich Petrovskiy (as N. Smorchkov)
Nina Zasukhina
(as N. Zasukhina)
Yuri Zvyagintsev
Yegor Kolesnikov
Ivan Vlasov
conference call