Following some dodgy dealings, stockbroker Saccard is determined to pull himself out of the gutter and regain is reputation. He is of such ill repute that few, not even his own brother, want anything to do with him. Yet against all the odds he manages to establish a bank. Using straw men and secret knowledge of the course of the war, Saccard inflates the bank’s shares to feed his own sordid desire for speculation. Unfortunately, false success rarely endures. The preserved material is a fragment. (
Following some dodgy dealings, stockbroker Saccard is determined to pull himself out of the gutter and regain is reputation. He is of such ill repute that few, not even his own brother, want anything to do with him. Yet against all the odds he manages to establish a bank. Using straw men and secret knowledge of the course of the war, Saccard inflates the bank’s shares to feed his own sordid desire for speculation. Unfortunately, false success rarely endures. The preserved material is a fragment. (
Karl Mantzius
Robert Schyberg
Hamelin, ingeniør, Saccards ven
Augusta Blad
Fru Caroline, Hamelins søster
Peter Nielsen
Gundermann, bankier
Carl Lauritzen
Rougon, minister, Saccards bror
Frederik Jacobsen
Déjoie, kammertjener hos Saccard
Christian Schrøder
Jutta Lund
Mo'r Méchain
Svend Aggerholm
Mazaud, veksellerer
Alma Hinding
Mazauds hustru
Lily Frederiksen
Mazauds barn
Aage Hertel
Daigremont, rigmand
Peter Jørgensen
Huret, deputeret
Erik Holberg
Torben Meyer
Oscar Nielsen
Ingeborg Spangsfeldt