The Last Night
The fictionalized life story of the most distinguished politician and diplomat, who left an indelible mark on the history of modern Greece, unfolds through a series of re-enactments of the actual events that led to his assassination. Significant aspects of his personal story, valid historical narratives, rare documents, and excerpts from autobiographical texts written by Kapodistrias himself, come into life, in an attempt to bring today’s viewers closer to the unknown sides of his personality and the foundations of the New Greek State.
The fictionalized life story of the most distinguished politician and diplomat, who left an indelible mark on the history of modern Greece, unfolds through a series of re-enactments of the actual events that led to his assassination. Significant aspects of his personal story, valid historical narratives, rare documents, and excerpts from autobiographical texts written by Kapodistrias himself, come into life, in an attempt to bring today’s viewers closer to the unknown sides of his personality and the foundations of the New Greek State.
Nikolas Aggelis
Vassilis Koulakiotis
Steve Lever
Kastrinou Margarita
Georgina Palaiothodorou
Lambis Psychogiannis
Sol Saltiel
Demmy Stamatopoulou
Spyros Stamoulis
Eleana Stravodimou
Sotiris Tachtsoglou
Manos Vavadakis
Georgia Xirou
Dimitra Matsantoni
Nikolas Papadomihelakis
Vassilis Koukalani
Giorgos Gikapeppas