Another America is Possible
2017 4min
In Josh Kline’s three-channel film, Another America is Possible, the sculptor and video artist provides a ritualized glimpse at utopia.
In Josh Kline’s three-channel film, Another America is Possible, the sculptor and video artist provides a ritualized glimpse at utopia.
Alexander Ausman
Alexis Babini
George Bautista
Frank Benson
Avondre Beverley
Micaela Durand
Juan Fraustro
Avena Gallagher
Oto Gillen
Vanessa Guzman
Geno Hill
Dayana Jean-Marie
Gloria Jung
Marvin Keitt
Sonia Khmara
Sasha Laing
Cynthia Leung
Shawn Maximo
Yve Maximo
Jessica Marzamendez
Jillian Mason
Franklin Melendez
Jory Rabinovitz
Eliza Ryan
Andrea Solstad
Mia Speight
Emperor Vanburen
Oleg Velichko
Genevieve Yoo