In this animated film, an innocent greeting between two people is quickly transformed into a tangled struggle, illustrating the twists and turns of a love affair. Relationships are visceral attachments, often leading to one dominating and consuming the other, then moving on easily and heartlessly. This film is autobiographical, a visual metaphor of an experience I had in my youth with one of my first girlfriends, perhaps the first love of my life. We learn a lot from experiences like this.
In this animated film, an innocent greeting between two people is quickly transformed into a tangled struggle, illustrating the twists and turns of a love affair. Relationships are visceral attachments, often leading to one dominating and consuming the other, then moving on easily and heartlessly. This film is autobiographical, a visual metaphor of an experience I had in my youth with one of my first girlfriends, perhaps the first love of my life. We learn a lot from experiences like this.
6.9Naruto x UT
7.4Naruto Shippuden the Movie
7.4The Good Witch's Gift
7.5The Tomorrow War
7.5The Vault
6.8Due Date
6.4Naruto: The Cross Roads
6.7Below Zero
6.4The Good Witch's Charm
7.3Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
6.5Last Night in Soho
7.3Kamiusagi Rope x Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
6.9The Day Naruto Became Hokage
7.4Naruto 20th Anniversary - Road of Naruto
7.6The New Mutants
6.1The Julius House: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery
6.8The Lion King 1½
6.6Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning