Love School
Disguising himself as a geisha and introducing himself as Madame Mufiko, a certain Max Fox opens a school in Paris where he proposes to teach the Japanese art of love. He recruits a few students, boys and girls, to whom he teaches to imitate the positions represented on old prints. The young people set themselves to it with such ardor that soon the girls are pregnant. In addition, the school is put under police surveillance and the false Mufiko sees her true identity revealed.
Disguising himself as a geisha and introducing himself as Madame Mufiko, a certain Max Fox opens a school in Paris where he proposes to teach the Japanese art of love. He recruits a few students, boys and girls, to whom he teaches to imitate the positions represented on old prints. The young people set themselves to it with such ardor that soon the girls are pregnant. In addition, the school is put under police surveillance and the false Mufiko sees her true identity revealed.
Norbert Terry
Max Fox / Mme Funico
Michèle Mercure
Jackie Lombard
Yves Chériaux
Jean-Louis Bouet
Jean-Pierre Zola
L'officier de police
Max Vialle
Le flic
André Tomasi
Le commissaire
Jean-Pierre Molé
Le petit flic
Philippe Castelli
Le journaliste
Denise Dax
Isabelle de Blonay
Laurent Laclos
John Oury
Villiers Pellardy
Jacques Pieiller
Christian Pouzard
Maki Shimu