Hatsune Miku: Magical Mirai 2020
The eighth installment in Crypton Future Media's annual “Magical Mirai” franchise, this third-dimensional live concert and exhibition tour was held at INTEX Osaka in November 2020 and the Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall in Tokyo in December 2020. Its common theme is “MATSURI (festival)”, and the cities that the tour visited each included a different seasonal nature of the theme - Osaka having a summer style and Tokyo having a winter style. The first Japanese female VOCALOID, MEIKO, also commemorated her fifteenth anniversary during the tour.
The eighth installment in Crypton Future Media's annual “Magical Mirai” franchise, this third-dimensional live concert and exhibition tour was held at INTEX Osaka in November 2020 and the Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall in Tokyo in December 2020. Its common theme is “MATSURI (festival)”, and the cities that the tour visited each included a different seasonal nature of the theme - Osaka having a summer style and Tokyo having a winter style. The first Japanese female VOCALOID, MEIKO, also commemorated her fifteenth anniversary during the tour.
Hatsune Miku: Magical Mirai 2019
6.4Family Blood
4.6Dr. Giggles
5.6Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings
5.6Back of the Net
6.7My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rollercoaster of Friendship
8.1Halloweentown High
6.5Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet the Wolfman
6.8Panic in the Mailroom
6.7The Strange Ones
5.2The Mortuary Collection
6.7Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge
6.8Vai Que Cola: O Filme
7.1Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!
6.8Rodeo and Juliet
5.1The F**k-It List