In One Hundred Years in May
Viktor Kingissepp has been the underground head of the Communist Party of Estonia for three years. He corresponds with Moscow, writes speeches for the members of the Communist Workers' Party and makes leaflets for the events of trade union. His purpose is to overthrow the Republic of Estonia since he does not believe in Estonian independence nor in any national ideals. Yet the clock keeps ticking, tuberculosis spreads rapidly, the world revolution is being postponed. What to do in order to make one's efforts work?
Viktor Kingissepp has been the underground head of the Communist Party of Estonia for three years. He corresponds with Moscow, writes speeches for the members of the Communist Workers' Party and makes leaflets for the events of trade union. His purpose is to overthrow the Republic of Estonia since he does not believe in Estonian independence nor in any national ideals. Yet the clock keeps ticking, tuberculosis spreads rapidly, the world revolution is being postponed. What to do in order to make one's efforts work?
Jüri Krjukov
Viktor Kingisepp
Jaan Rekkor
Jaan Kreuks
Arvo Kukumägi
Sulev Luik
Estonian Poet
Evgeniy Filatov
Russian Poet
Kärt Kross-Merilo
Juliana Telman
Angelina Semjonova
Salomonia Telman
Kaarin Raid
Telmans' Mother
Evald Hermaküla
State Comptroller Oinas
Maria Klenskaja
Alma Oinas
Ago-Endrik Kerge
Foreign Minister Piip
Jevgeni Gaitšuk
Ambassador of Soviet Russia
Mati Unt
Linkhorst's Interrogator
Enn Kose
Elder of the State
Vello Janson
Andrus Vaarik
Aarne Üksküla
Chief of Internal Security
Kaljo Kiisk
Kingisepp's Interrogator
Madis Kalmet
Eduard Kägu
Rudolf Allabert
A. Janson
Enn Kraam
Johannes Vanja
Siiri Sisask
Vilhelmine Klementi
Carmen Mikiver
Leida Rammo
Tõnu Kark
Customs Officer
Heino Mandri
President of the Court Martial
Toomas Lõhmuste
Arvo Kruusement
Jaan Tõnisson
Rein Malmsten
Minister of the Interior
Endel Simmermann
Chairman of Riigikogu
Vera Fjodorova
Lady with a Wreath
Mati Klooren
Robert Gutman
Prison Guard
Thomas Urb
Policeman Being Searched
Aleksander Eelmaa
Member of the Court Martial #1
Peeter Urbla
Member of the Court Martial #2
Hans Kaldoja
Member of the Court Martial #3
Margus Tuuling
Member of the Court Martial #4
Peeter Simm
Member of the Court Martial #5