Philippine Bliss
"Philippine Bliss" tells the tale of six modern-day Filipinos living in a single neighborhood, a housing project called B.L.I.S.S., started by the former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos during the Martial Law era. These people, whose names allude to familiar characters from Jose Rizal's novels, narrate their private yet vivid stories of loss, longing, and Third World despair, all intersecting in a public arena that is their packed community. Theirs are lives seen with an oftentimes comic eye, unabashedly bound by a wild and brimming sense of Filipino hope.
"Philippine Bliss" tells the tale of six modern-day Filipinos living in a single neighborhood, a housing project called B.L.I.S.S., started by the former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos during the Martial Law era. These people, whose names allude to familiar characters from Jose Rizal's novels, narrate their private yet vivid stories of loss, longing, and Third World despair, all intersecting in a public arena that is their packed community. Theirs are lives seen with an oftentimes comic eye, unabashedly bound by a wild and brimming sense of Filipino hope.
Neil Elpusan
Simon Crisostomo
Menk Cruzat
Reinier Lucien
Therese Carlos
J.V. Katipunan
Lara Tarranco
JP Hernandez
djembe player
Atoy Reyes Jr.
steel trader
Pedring X. Santos
junkyard dog
Nina Dandan
tambay client 1
Cherish Brillon
tambay client 2
Enuh Iglesias
tambay client 3