Super Spy Ryan
In Super Spy Ryan, Ryan is transported into an animated virtual reality world where he and his friends must become the ultimate super spies. Their mission is to recover the precious Golden Console from the clutches of a new character to the Ryan’s World universe: a nefarious hamster named The Packrat, following a glitch in the Virtual World that turns all of Ryan’s friends into babies. The show toggles between live-action, featuring scenes with Ryan and his family; and animation, featuring Ryan’s signature avatar and characters in his animated world.
In Super Spy Ryan, Ryan is transported into an animated virtual reality world where he and his friends must become the ultimate super spies. Their mission is to recover the precious Golden Console from the clutches of a new character to the Ryan’s World universe: a nefarious hamster named The Packrat, following a glitch in the Virtual World that turns all of Ryan’s friends into babies. The show toggles between live-action, featuring scenes with Ryan and his family; and animation, featuring Ryan’s signature avatar and characters in his animated world.
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5.5Mrs. Claus
4.8Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses
7.6Kronk's New Groove
6.9Mulan II
6.5Next Friday
6.4The Fox and the Hound
7.1Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
5.5Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves
5.4Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
8.1The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
8.4Return to Me
6.3Freaky Friday
6.5Peter Pan
7.2Monster High: Boo York, Boo York
7.7Barbie as the Island Princess
7.3Oliver & Company