Esteemed American playwright and author Herbert S. Tuttleton brings to the screen the story of an eccentric young creator named Guled. Guled must craft the perfect show for a big-time TV network, but will the production crew break before the pilot is finished? See behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and somewhere down the street of scenes as Guled struggles to achieve his vision for this ANONYMOUS, WILL-NOT-BE-MENTIONED NETWORK.
Esteemed American playwright and author Herbert S. Tuttleton brings to the screen the story of an eccentric young creator named Guled. Guled must craft the perfect show for a big-time TV network, but will the production crew break before the pilot is finished? See behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and somewhere down the street of scenes as Guled struggles to achieve his vision for this ANONYMOUS, WILL-NOT-BE-MENTIONED NETWORK.
Jalani Benton
Bball Phenom
Spencer Carter
Camera Guy
Neal Dandade
Ryan C. Fill
Sound Guy
Emily Fleming
Dave Helem
Bball Player 1
Cheri Hodge
Ed Larson
Mr. Tinyweather
Guled Mohamed
Tim De La Motte
Hungry Boy
MK Paulsen
Jason Saenz
Bball Player 2
Eric Schinzer
Daniel Strauss
Jackie Zebrowski
Mike Lazzo