The story follows Maria Konovalova who travels from her rural village to visit her daughter Nina in the city. Maria's arrival exposes the stark contrasts between rural and urban lifestyles and reveals deep-seated family tensions. Interestingly, Родня (Rodnya) in Russian sounds very similar to the word Родина (Rodina), which means "Motherland." The film features three generations of women — Maria, her daughter Nina, and her granddaughter Irina — symbolizing three different Russias: one from the past, one modern, and one representing the future.
The story follows Maria Konovalova who travels from her rural village to visit her daughter Nina in the city. Maria's arrival exposes the stark contrasts between rural and urban lifestyles and reveals deep-seated family tensions. Interestingly, Родня (Rodnya) in Russian sounds very similar to the word Родина (Rodina), which means "Motherland." The film features three generations of women — Maria, her daughter Nina, and her granddaughter Irina — symbolizing three different Russias: one from the past, one modern, and one representing the future.
Nonna Mordyukova
Svetlana Kryuchkova
Yuri Bogatyryov
Ivan Bortnik
Andrei Petrov
Fyodor Stukov
Vsevolod Larionov
The general
Nikita Mikhalkov
Waiter #1 / 1st Man On Photo
Pavel Lebeshev
Waiter #2 / 2nd Man On Photo
Aleksandr Adabashyan
Waiter #3 / 3rd Man On Photo / Man In The Train
Larisa Kuznetsova
Oleg Menshikov
Sergey Gazarov
Vladimir Khotinenko
Valerik (as V. Khotinenko)
Ruslan Akhmetov
Valentina Berezutskaya
Lyuba Konovalova
Viktor Buturlin
Anna Gulyarenko
Yuri Gusev
Svetlana Konovalova
Rimma Markova
Vasiliy Tsygankov
Evgeny Tsymbal
Inna Vykhodtseva
Aleksey Yakubov
Valeri Fedosov
Gennadiy Ivanov
Ludmila Kudryavtceva
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears
7.6The Diamond Arm
7.8Behind the Candelabra
6.6The Marriage of Balzaminov
7.1My Grandmother Fanny Kaplan
4.3The King's Speech
8.1The Shawshank Redemption
7.5Ex Machina
7.6Don't Look Up
7.1The Dark Knight
8.2Blade Runner
7.9My Mother's Castle
7.2Get Out
7.6The Grand Budapest Hotel
8.0Porco Rosso
7.8Dead Poets Society