The suspense story follows three humanitarians whose mission in a remote village called Întregalde, in the Apuseni Mountains, in a remote area of Transylvania to offer the inhabitants various goods. Apart from a few quarrels and conflicts between the group members, everything seems to be going well for Maria and Dan. But soon after they stumble upon a disoriented local and try to help him, things go wrong.
The suspense story follows three humanitarians whose mission in a remote village called Întregalde, in the Apuseni Mountains, in a remote area of Transylvania to offer the inhabitants various goods. Apart from a few quarrels and conflicts between the group members, everything seems to be going well for Maria and Dan. But soon after they stumble upon a disoriented local and try to help him, things go wrong.
Argentina, 1985
7.9Rurouni Kenshin Part III: The Legend Ends
7.0Civil War
8.1Inside Out 2
7.6Avengers: Endgame
8.2La La Land
7.9Spider-Man: Far From Home
7.4Knives Out
7.8Deadpool & Wolverine
7.6Spider-Man: No Way Home
8.0The Matrix
8.2Ready Player One
7.6Jurassic World
6.7Get Out
7.6Green Book
8.2Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
8.4Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
7.5Solo: A Star Wars Story