Ageless Love
This extraordinary story begins in the late 1960’s during turbulent times when Yale, 23, idealistic and fresh out of college meets Nina, 37 and widowed with 5 children. Yale’s parents aren’t thrilled about the budding relationship, yet despite the obstacles Nina and Yale fall in love. This is a true love story of a couple who went against the social norms of their times to prove love conquers all.
This extraordinary story begins in the late 1960’s during turbulent times when Yale, 23, idealistic and fresh out of college meets Nina, 37 and widowed with 5 children. Yale’s parents aren’t thrilled about the budding relationship, yet despite the obstacles Nina and Yale fall in love. This is a true love story of a couple who went against the social norms of their times to prove love conquers all.
6.8Cape Fear
7.4Lonesome Ghosts
7.1A Field in England
6.2Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla
6.8The Fox and the Hound 2
6.9The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
6.6My Uncle Killed a Guy
6.1Balto III: Wings of Change
6.7Gad Elmaleh - L’autre c’est moi
6.97 Dwarves: The Forest Is Not Enough
5.5Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
6.8The Seventh Company Has Been Found
7.3Men in Black II