Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga Shredhead
Will the real Michaelangelo™ please stand up? This surfer dude's got a double! It seems that Shredder™ and that oversized brain Krang™ have created a hologram of the hero turtle--in a diabolical attempt to infiltrate the sewer. But the green teens get hip to the Foot Clan's scheme and must try to distinguish illusion from reality. Then, sit tight for more multidimensional excitement with NEW YORK'S SHINIEST.
Will the real Michaelangelo™ please stand up? This surfer dude's got a double! It seems that Shredder™ and that oversized brain Krang™ have created a hologram of the hero turtle--in a diabolical attempt to infiltrate the sewer. But the green teens get hip to the Foot Clan's scheme and must try to distinguish illusion from reality. Then, sit tight for more multidimensional excitement with NEW YORK'S SHINIEST.