The Silent Twins
Twins June and Jennifer Gibbons speak only to each other in a language of their own creation. As young teens, they commit a violent crime. After 14 years in Broadmoor Psychiatric Institution, freedom visits them in a mysterious way.
Twins June and Jennifer Gibbons speak only to each other in a language of their own creation. As young teens, they commit a violent crime. After 14 years in Broadmoor Psychiatric Institution, freedom visits them in a mysterious way.
Sharon I. Parker
June Gibbons
Shirley I. Parker
Jennifer Gibbons
Juliette Tony
Young June
Jillian Tony
Young Jennifer
Ena Cabayo
Gloria Gibbons
Ruddy L. Davis
Audrey Gibbons
Beverley Martin
Greta Gibbons
Natasha Dixon
Rosie Gibbons
Marcus D'Amico
Wayne Kennedy
David Blackburn
Carl Kennedy
Ifan Huw Dafydd
Tim Thomas
Madeline Adams
Cathy Arthur
Sandra Voe
J.O. Roberts
Dr Evan Davies
Tony Robinson
Dr Hamilton
Richard Pescud
Peter Penry-Jones
Anthony Evans
Anthony Morse
John Diehl
John Savident
Clyde Pollitt
Clerk of Courts
Alun ap Brinley
Michael Jones
Di Botcher
Officer Kyle
Annest Williams
Officer Whiteley
Gareth Gwyn-Jones
Dr Rees
Anwen Williams
Margarite Richards
Gwenno Dafydd
Prison Warden
Ted Maynard
Lt. Kennedy